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【Message】 Ascension

Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 9, 2021

The International Congregation, St. Agnes Church

We are in the Easter season in the church calendar. According to the Acts of the apostles, “After his suffering Jesus presented himself alive to the apostles by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.”

After forty days Jesus was carried up into heaven. We call it “Ascension Day.” Thursday of this week is Ascension Day.

So today listen to the text of ascension in the Gospel according to Luke.

“Then he(Jesus) led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven.” 24:50

Jesus lifted up his hands, not one hand but both hands.

He blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them,

His blessing is written twice. His blessing is emphasized.

Now let us pay attention to his hands.

Forty-three days previously ([Maundy] Thursday evening), before the Last Supper Jesus by his hands washed the dirty feet of his disciples. They were purified. They felt and experienced the deep love of Jesus.

Another story.

About three years ago Peter’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever. Jesus came to her and took her by the hand. His hands lifted her up. She was healed. She knew his power and deep love.

The hands of Jesus show his love and power.

Now he lifts up his hands just before Ascension.

He blesses not only his direct disciples but also us.

Jesus sees us and blesses us with deep love.

We may have a fever or sufferings as Peter’s mother-in-law had.

Jesus comes to us. Jesus by his hands helps us, heals us and lifts us up.

Our feet or hearts may be dirty. Jesus by his hands washes our dirty feet and purifies our hearts.

Jesus by his hands blesses us now and forever.

As the first disciples saw his hands which blessed them on Ascension Day, let us see the hands of Jesus which is blessing us.

His blessing keeps us, gives us peace, and encourages us.